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About Me! (◐ o ◐ )

hii, my name is sasa! ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏_ i use she/her pron, sixteen (mar 3rd), intj, pisces, genshin player, currently ar 43.
Watch: Yanfei demo
βŒ•Other Things☰
1. fav song "sth new"
2. yanfei legal expert β™₯
3. my discord server
4. insta @deer.yanfei
5. kpop stray kids . . .
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+ γ…€Rly Like!!γ…€
genshin impact (fav: yanfei, raiden, ayaka), fresh milk tea, light foods
+ γ…€b4 you follow..γ…€γ…€β€’γ…€Posted : 7:30 PM
... please do note that i am only interested in genshin impact. i am currently not interested in other RPG games. i really enjoy genshin's story and art style. also, the events and et cetera.
+ γ…€Don't follow if:γ…€γ…€β€’γ…€Posted : 7:35 PM
... please don't follow me if ur gonna force me to play other games. get out of here please. if u don't like me loving genshin, then don't follow me and go find someone else instead, okay?γ…€γ…€ u have my utmost gratitude...
+ γ…€Ultsγ…€ (genshin) i have loved ayaka, raiden, and yanfei, since my early ar days. i like their style and aesthetics hehe...
+ γ…€Ultsγ…€ (kpop) i only stan skz and always had hyunjin as my bias :)
stan skz since 2019 !! ~β™‘
+ γ…€#MyWishlistγ…€γ…€β€’γ…€Posted : Saturday
i hope i can get myself an ipad pro (M1 12.9") and its accesories someday...
+ γ…€#GameGoalsγ…€γ…€β€’γ…€Posted : Saturday
i started when yae's banner (2.5) was up and i did play genshin during 1.2 ver. but i lost my account, and i had to start from 0. i hope i can make my new account good enough... i'm 100% f2p btw. no welkin as well.
γ…€Last Updated : Dec 28γ…€ β€’ Sat @ 9:28 PM